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Cisco Digital Cribs: Heaven or Hell

Friday, April 3, 2009

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Cisco announced the contest, providing "Digital Cribs: Heaven or Hell", where participants can submit a video that shows whether the house they called the "Paradise" digital technology or "hell" the use of digital devices. Actual mission of this contest is to find the personal technology, home networking and the most sophisticated, as well as for the use of technology disruption. This contest is part of the Web series "Digital Cribs" Cisco, which indicates the home network and invite discussion about how consumer technology and networks contributing to the digital lifestyle.

To enter the video be three minutes, the main requirement is a minimum age of 18 years, which explains why their home network can be referred to as "paradise" or "Fire" technology. Offered a prize money of U.S. $ 10,000. Participants who live in "heaven" can indicate the use of digital technology and the home network of interesting and unique. They were living in "hell" can show you the digital experience of home-use technology that does not levying each other connected, hard to communicate easily, cable clutter, and various other clutter. Taken from: www.digitalcribs.com


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