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Make your desktop great with StandaloneStack

Sunday, March 22, 2009

get the software below

If you have ObjectDock or RocketDock, you certainly know the stack docklet from Matonga. Now, if you don’t want any dock and simply use your taskbar, you can have stack view too. Just get StandaloneStack , create a shortcut with the good parameters and voilà, run it to show the stack.

StandaloneStack use the Matonga stack docklet, so you can thank him for making it…

So, once you have downloaded StandaloneStack, unzip the files in a real directory ( for example c:\standalonestack ).

Create a shortcut on StandaloneStack.exe (right click->Create shortcut).
Right-click on this shortcut, choose properties.

At the end of “Target” field, enter the name of your stack, for example “desktop” (without quote “”). ( change the name for each stack you do)

You should have in the target field of the shortcut : C:\standalonestack\StandaloneStack.exe desktop

Double-click on the shortcut, the stack docklet properties should appears, and then, choose the “stacked” folder you want. Click OK.

Now, double-click on the shortcut to show the stack.
You can now move the shortcut in the taskbar toolbar or in the desktop.

If you want to change the properties of the stack, hold SHIFT or CTRL key and double-click on the shortcut.

Shortcut parameters :

: the name of the stack, each stack must have a different name.
/notaskbar : the stack will not follow the taskbar orientation.
/top or /bottom or /left or /right : force the orientation of the stack

Developer : www.chrisnsoft.com/standalonestack | OS : Windows 2000, xp, vista | Download |


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